Monday, July 29, 2013

Day #5: 2nd Fast Day

Lipton Southern Style Tea:  My go-to beverage for fasting day.
I'm more than halfway through my second fasting day on the Fast Diet.  Today has not gone as smoothly as the first, partly due to inadequate planning on my part.  I woke up this morning and thought that I would just let the kids have some cereal for breakfast..quick and easy was the plan.  Of course someone left an empty cereal box in the pantry.  UGGGH.  The only other thing I had in the house for the kids' breakfast was eggs and toast.  I had to stand in the kitchen making 3 separate breakfast plates consisting of an omelet and toast with grape jelly...torture I tell you!  For lunch I quickly whipped up some hot dogs with cheese.  Grocery planning on my part was sadly lacking this time.  I was so focused on making sure that I had my fasting day foods in place, that I forgot to plan for the kids to make my day easier...lesson learned. 

To make the day een a little harder, I started my period today so I'm fighting a slight headache and a little "crampiness".  Thank goodness I can lay low today and rest.  I don't know what I would do if I actually  had to be somewhere today.  It may have been all a bit too much to handle. 

I will say that I finished reading the Fast Diet book and I have been in agreement with the testimonials in the back of the book.  I already feel a difference...something is definitely happening.    I feel more satisfied with less food and am finding myself choosing more wisely at time and being more aware of my food choices.  I was only down a pound today from the last fasting day but I will not count that towards my stats...which I will post weekly. My weight loss might be effected by my period too.  I have always held onto water weight around this time.  All-in-all I'm thinking this is something that I can continue with.  I need to plan better, but it feels like something I could get the hang of and stick with. 

Iced tea continues to be my fasting day drink of choice.  I have been putting lemon in it and it is pre-sweetened with an artificial sweetener.  I do have to say that being a southerner I am somewhat of an iced tea expert.  I have found a WONDERFUL way to make southern style iced tea without the calories.  At Sam's Club they sell a giant box of "Lipton Southern Style Iced Tea" bags.  Each bag makes a gallon of tea.  Sounds like a lot, but when you are fasting you drink a lot.  I went through almost a gallon of it on my first fasting day without any problem.  Anyway, the bag is pre-sweetened and there is NO artificial aftertaste.  (I'm picky in this department also.)  So I take a 2qt saucepan and fill it up and heat it until it is boiling.  Take the pan off the heat and place one of the tea bags in the water.  Set your timer for about 5 minutes and 30 seconds.  (Yes, the time matters..LOL)  As soon as the timer goes off pour the hot tea into a gallon jug.  Fill the jug the rest of the way with cold water.  Remove the tea bag and then stir the tea and refrigerate.  I have found that if you let the bag sit in the water too long, the tea is WAY too sweet.  Also if you leave the pan on the heat while the tea is steeping, you get a bitter flavor.  I think the box of tea sells for around $13 at Sam's Club but I've been on one box for about 2 months and my whole family drinks tea.  I used to buy a separate bag of Splenda sweetener but I was constantly running out of either tea or the Splenda.  This is so much easier and I believe it tastes much better than Splenda.  Let me know what you think if you try it.

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