Day #1 of The Fast Diet:
I started reading The Fast Diet
Day # 1 of The Fast Diet |
about a week ago. I first saw Dr. Mosley on the Rachael Ray show and was impressed by what I heard. I have gained and lost many pounds over the past 40 years that I have been alive; probably 2 or 3 "people's worth" over my lifetime. I have used herbs, ephedra, smoking, weight watchers, etc. You name it and I've probably done or used it, still today I'm fatter than I've ever been. It's not even a matter of looking good anymore, it's life or death at this point. I haven't worn shorts in years and a bathing suit of any persuasion is absolutely out of the question. I recently went on a beach vacation this summer for the first time in 6 years and never once put on a pair of shorts or took a dip in a pool. It was depressing to say the least. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm currently a nursing student and realize that I am well on my way to being the biggest hypocrite that ever lived, teaching others about health when I, myself, am probably on my way to the grave if I don't make huge changes soon. I'm sure I'm flirting with diabetes even as I type this, not to mention I'm setting a bad example for my children. The list of problems associated with my weight goes on and on.

I tried this past spring to rejoin Weight Watchers because of successes I've had in the past with their programs. As long as I stick with their plan, I have always lost weight. Once I stop attending meetings, it usually is the beginning of the end for me. Being in school has made committing to counting points and attending weekly meetings an impossibility at this time. I t didn't take long to realize that I needed a new way to lost weight, and now.
The Fast Diet appealed to me, with its calorie restriction for 2 days per week and freedom from counting calories for 5 days of the week. All I have to do is stick to 500 - 600 calories twice a week. As long as I don't pass out from low blood sugar, I think I can do it. Seriously, that has been a concern of mine. I was most struck by Dr. Mosley saying that when we eat every 2-3 hours during the day, we really become out of touch with our hunger and our bodies. We eat because we are bored, tired, happy, depressed, anxious, or even thirsty. We eat because other people are eating or just because the food is there in front of us. By fasting, we reset our bodies to become more in touch with the feelings of satiety and hunger. I like that. I also like the possibility of correcting my insulin sensitivity.
Day #1 of The Fast Diet
So here I am, on day 1 giving it a try. I didn't plan this, just woke up this morning and thought to myself that this might be a good day to start. Why today? I have no idea. Maybe it's because the weather is cool and nice and because I have nothing else planned. Oh and today is Thursday. My plan is to imitate Dr. Mosley's plan of fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. I was a little scared of dropping down to 500 calories because of my increased weight. I thought that might be a little too drastic for me, so I'm doing the 600 calorie plan for myself. This will still be a massive change in my usual eating pattern. I'm sure that I'm normally consuming over 3,000 calories per day. I'm also starting with the 11am and 7pm eating plan. I was not sure that I would be able to do the 7am to 7pm schedule so I'm trying 11am and 7pm first and if that works out, maybe I could gradually stretch it out. It's my safety net, what can I say? I think I'm really scared about doing this...which is amazing to me, the fear associated with being hungry. Probably one of the reasons I am where I am today.
I had no idea what to allow myself to eat today. I have 3 kids and wanted this day to be as simple as possible. I picked up 2 Healthy Choice meals today that were each under 300 calories. I also picked up a bag of frozen asparagus spears to steam in the microwave to add bulk without adding calories. I've been drinking a mixture of diet coke, water, and lipton iced tea with splenda. I really wish I had some fresh lime to squeeze into the water and tea. I'll try that next time.
Waiting until 11am to eat was a no-brainer for me. My morning routine is so hectic with feeding the kids and cleaning, that sometimes I forget to eat until late anyway. Waiting until 11am was hardly even a struggle. It's now 4pm and I have to say that I am starting to "feel the fast" now. I'm trying to drink as much as possible and that is, indeed, helping. The tea tastes the best to me.
I've decided to blog about my experiences on this diet as well as my feelings, etc. This is partly for my own research and partly to pass the time while I attempt this fast.
I would be lying if I didn't admit to thinking about what I'm going to eat for breakfast in the morning. I've already decided on a waffle with sausage...maybe not the best choice but it isn't too far from what I normally would eat. I'll probably have a sandwich or salad for both lunch and dinner. I try to keep thinking to myself that tomorrow I can eat what I want. That's helping to get me through this. I don't want to make it sound like I am really struggling right now, just aware that my eating has changed today. I'd also be lying if I didn't admit to counting down the hours until I can eat at 7pm.
I need to weigh myself (which I have not done yet) and include that in my blog posts. I hope that my "diet diary" will be helpful to someone else out there who might be struggling with their own eating issues. I would love to hear from others who might be in the same boat.
Day 1 Stats:
Ht: 5'6" Weight: 278 lbs. Pants Size: 24W Shirt Size 2X