So today I took a picture of what I had for lunch and then another picture of what I would be having for dinner at the risk of being "one of those people" that shares every meal with their friends on Facebook. What did we ever do before we knew what everyone was eating all the time? I have no idea.
So here is a picture of what I had for lunch today. A 230 calorie Healthy Choice meal consisting of chicken, rice and shrimp on top of 3 cups (90 calories) of steamed broccoli (an entire package of Steamfresh broccoli cuts). Not bad, huh? That's a massive plate of food, I know. Now I've already planned out my 7pm dinner so as to stay in my 600 calorie limitation. Now usually I have the "bigger" meal with all of the broccoli at the 7pm meal. I switched it around today and so far so good. I cannot really tell all that much difference in how I feel compared to other fasting days so far. So, for dinner I'm planning on having another Healthy Choice dinner because I am the microwave queen of the world and because they are somewhat decent tasting, easy, and quick. Now I would imagine that in the future I might invest in a good steamer to steam my own vegetables. I think they would taste infinitely better than what I've been eating, but for now it will do just fine.